Elizabeth (Liz) Brown Executive Director
A NOTE FROM LIZ: “I’m a mother of two (and step-mom of 5!) with 20 years experience in the nonprofit sector. I am also currently finishing my bachelors in philosophy.
I have always felt a call toward social betterment, so in the fall of 2018, after witnessing Collin’s journey from a comedian who made fun of influencers, to social activist, I answered a call for help. Collin had announced in an Instagram story that he wanted to go “legit“. He wanted to take this movement from a hashtag to a full-fledged nonprofit organization, but Collin hated paperwork, and legal stuff, so he asked for help. As someone with a long history in the nonprofit sector, a passion for social change, and (like many of you) a desire to help Collin spread his vital message, I responded to the story. Collin and I met, and he turned the administrative reins over to me to create the nonprofit. I have been on the Save the Kids team ever since.”
After his untimely passing, she has managed to keep his message out there by recruiting more speakers who have the same values and passion for helping families navigate the tech world of cell phone and social media use.
She feels blessed to have learned directly from Collin and works tirelessly to keep his message in the forefront of everything they do. If you’d like to connect with Liz, contact her at liz@savethekids.org.

Brea Quinn President
Brea is a mom of two from a small town in Northern Utah. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist and earned her bachelor’s degree in Health Promotion with an emphasis in child development and education from Weber State University. She has been with Save the Kids since 2021.
Brea’s passion for the Save the Kids movement grew and became solidified after she had her first child. She has worked with children in different areas over the years and has seen, both on large and small scales, how early introduction to tech, social media, and pornography affects childhood. Because of this, Brea has become dedicated to helping families nurture their relationships, turn off the screens, and #StopGivingKidsSmartphones, and has relentlessly created content and social media posts to spread the Save the Kids message.